During April, Bizente has appeared twice in the on-line press.
Interempresas Magazine, an on-line publication in Spanish, specialised in industry and corporate news published the article entitled “Atiip coodinates a European project to biodegrade plastics using enzimes and to recycle aircrafts” which highlighted the biocatalytic model of enzymatic degradation to recover fibres and resins developed in the project.

Read the article (only in spanish)

The Spanish media Retema, reference on-line magazine for technical development for the environment protection, published the article entitled “Plastics recycling thanks to the enzymatic biodegradation”. The article pointed out that the polymers under study are polyester, polyurethane (PUR) or polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and emphasised the multi-sectiorial and international composition of the consortium.

Read the article (only in spanish)